Kotimaiset konemusiikki-levymerkit: The Sound Collective

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Jaa somessa

Haastattelu poikkeuksellisesti englanniksi haastateltavan pyynnöstä.

I had a chat with Mihut Naita, the head honcho of The Sound Collective. The Sound Collective is a record label in which Finnish and Romanian electronic music artists come together and collaborate.

How is life at the moment, with you and your label?

Life is hectic as usual, always changing, between gigs, label, work and family but trying to find a balance. 

The label had a great end of 2022, getting lot of attention, which motivates me to keep growing it and release music.

Tell me about your label’s aesthetics, ideology and genres.

The aesthetic is a reflection of me, all the graphics are done by myself. I keep an open mind on the music I release, which is also a reflection of myself as a record collector. I don’t focus on one genre in particular but on interesting music that I want to listen and hopefully other people dig it as well. We released from an electronica album that was recorded from a live performance to ambient to house to techno. 

What is coming up next, plans in the near future?

Very soon we will release a new Ep made by Joona Hongell with a smashing remix by Valeria Croft, followed by a release by myself and Joona, a very interesting project. I have a friend living in Basel, goes by the artist name Kite, and she does this live experimental performances, a combination between classical and experimental, and she sent my some material that we are translating into dance music, but want to release both the original and our interpretation so people get the full spectrum of the sound.  

Highlight some of your labels releases from back catalogue, and tell us why them.

Oh, this is hard, because I love equally everything that we put out.  I would want to remind everyone about the two Various Artists that we have, that are free to download on our bandcamp, and to thank everyone that got involved in this adventure, and just to encourage everyone to go check out the catalog because there is some really good stuff there. 
